The Burbs and The BF

How a City Mouse and a Country Mouse moved to the burbs and what happened there.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I live with My BF and 2 cats in an apartment in a first tier suburb of Murderapolis. I am happily in a relationship.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Rain Makes Everything Stinky

Today at work was as boring as usual. My boss, The Scrump, showed up three and a half hours late. Nothing will happen to her. If it had been one of us lowly collectors, we would have been ass-over-teakettle on the pavement in a few seconds flat. I tried to do as little as possible, work-wise. Mainly I talked to Choirgirl and Cynicism Unbound and emailed Sarabellem. Jesus Freak wasn't at work, which was refreshing becuase that bastard NEVER misses work. The guy who sits about two desks away from me, Biceps, was looking as hot as usual and I was totally driven to distraction. He's one of those typical gym guys. I'm convinced he WANTS me to look at him because every time he catches me, he smiles. Big straight JERK! It's one of those look-but-don't-touch situations, so what's the freaking point? I told The Scrump that I am completely bored in my current position and want a change of some kind. I have been doing the same thing for a year and a half. She said she would look into it and get back to me. Here's hoping.

It rained pretty hard on the way to school. Since I am Public Transportation Guy, I am glad I had the foresight to bring my ridiculously big US Bank umbrella. It is so huge it could seriously cover an entire golf cart and it damn near picks me up off my feet when the wind blows the right way. I arrived at school relatively dry. My class tonight (Technology, Culture and Society) raised some interesting questions. The main one was: What if technology made it possible for us to work a ten hour work week and still make the same amount of money? Would it be a good or bad thing? The class was generally in agreement that it would be a good thing and I reiterated that point by offering up the story of my 8 1/2 months of unemployment. For the first 6 months I was bored and morose and lazy and apathetic. About month 7 I started to write. Yeah, it was crappy Buffy & Angel fan fiction (AKA Gay Vampire Porn) which (if you're TRULY interested, you can find here: but it got me writing for the first time in several years. The point being, I think if people truly had all of that time off, they would be bored couch potatoes for awhile, but eventually get energized to do something good with their time, or at least constructive.

One guy brought up that he only works part time and can easily support himself. How? He never buys anything. He buys clothes once every 2 years, only buys enough food for himself to eat and the rest of the money goes to rent and utilities. He calls himself "the anti-consumer". I think that's great. I wish we could all be anti-consumers. I can't help but think of The Man patting me on the head and saying "Good little consumer" every time I splurge at Target and buy a DVD or CD or when I blow a week's worth of grocery money in one sitting at some too-fancy restaurant.

When I was walking home (again in the rain, beneath my US Bank golf umbrella) I realized that everything stinks worse in the rain, including me. I was like: "Man, I have such bad BO right now!!" but then I passed a dumpster and a flattened rotting squirrel carcass and realized that EVERYTHING stinks worse when it's raining.

When I got home my heart skipped a beat. The DVD I ordered from Amazon a week ago is here!! Hooray for consumerism, The Man be damned!


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