The Burbs and The BF

How a City Mouse and a Country Mouse moved to the burbs and what happened there.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I live with My BF and 2 cats in an apartment in a first tier suburb of Murderapolis. I am happily in a relationship.

Saturday, April 30, 2005


Pretty much, nuff said in the title. It's an empty complaint. Like beating my fists against a brick wall and screaming and crying with rage. I have been trying frantically to find another job, but times are tough here in the good old Murderapolis job market. My friend Sarabellem said she has been sending out 5 resumes a week and not getting any response but the occasional thanks-but-no-thanks letters. On Friday, the bitches at US Bank changed the way we do my job AGAIN to make it harder for us to get our incentive pay. This is roughly the 8th change since Stinky Fat-Ass took his job. I raised many complaints and spoke for many people in the meeting and felt completely abandoned by everyone else because the majority of them were too chicken-shit to open their mouths. Also, my good friend Choirgirl's promotion was officially announced which means she and I can only have limited contact and cannot go on lunch together anymore because of the bank's fraternization rules. I was so pissed after the meeting that I got off the bus after a few blocks and stomped all the way home because I was so angry. 13 blocks is a long way to stomp. I feel trapped in a nightmare I can't wake from. I just want to cry.
The irony is, I work from 8:00-12:00 today. Off to work!! Heigh-Ho, Heigh-Ho!!


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