Home Tour 3: Just Passing Through
Here's the 3rd place I lived in Maple Grove. We lived here from March til August of 85.

Mom managed to find a pretty decent townhouse not too far from the previous house. We had the right side, and some other folks had the left. I remember watching Halley's Comet from my bedroom window, having the stomach flu, not liking many of my neighbors and feeling completely cut off from my old neighborhood. There was also an incident where I broke open one of those glowing necklaces and put the stuff inside around my eyes. Of course, the stuff got in my eyes and I freaked. I thought I was going blind and my friend had to call his mother. She rinsed my eyes out with water and of course everything was fine but not before I, very melodramatically, screamed about my "Beautiful hobby" (reading) and how I'd "never be able to do it again."

Mom managed to find a pretty decent townhouse not too far from the previous house. We had the right side, and some other folks had the left. I remember watching Halley's Comet from my bedroom window, having the stomach flu, not liking many of my neighbors and feeling completely cut off from my old neighborhood. There was also an incident where I broke open one of those glowing necklaces and put the stuff inside around my eyes. Of course, the stuff got in my eyes and I freaked. I thought I was going blind and my friend had to call his mother. She rinsed my eyes out with water and of course everything was fine but not before I, very melodramatically, screamed about my "Beautiful hobby" (reading) and how I'd "never be able to do it again."
We lived here for 6 months, then moved because my mom couldn't afford it. That was the end of several friendships.
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