Vintage Diary Entry 6: Sunday, July 26, 1992
1:40 PM- Today, I drove home from the grocery store with my mom. What a nightmare! She bitched at me the WHOLE way! It's no wonder I nearly took her side-view mirror off when I pulled into the garage. I straightened the car out, with Kelly's help, came inside went in my room and sobbed. I'm still shaking. There is no way I am ever getting in a car with her again. It was so scary and humiliating. I have never driven so awful and it had to be right in front of Kelly and her boyfriend. I can't drive with that fucking SPAZ ever again. You couldn't pay me enough! I don't know how I would ever get my license if Kelly weren't here!
Obviously one of my first attempts at driving. My mom stressed me out so bad I nearly ripped off her side-view mirror. I failed my driving test the first time for going through a No Turn on Red. Ahh, those were the days.
Obviously one of my first attempts at driving. My mom stressed me out so bad I nearly ripped off her side-view mirror. I failed my driving test the first time for going through a No Turn on Red. Ahh, those were the days.