The Burbs and The BF

How a City Mouse and a Country Mouse moved to the burbs and what happened there.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I live with My BF and 2 cats in an apartment in a first tier suburb of Murderapolis. I am happily in a relationship.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

My week, my vivisection...

viv.i.sec.tion Etymology: Latin vivus + English section
1 : the cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation; broadly : animal experimentation especially if considered to cause distress to the subject
2 : minute or pitiless examination or criticism - viv·i·sec·tion·al /"vi-v&-'sek-shn&l, -sh&-n&l/ adjective - viv·i·sec·tion·ist /-'sek-sh(&-)nist/ noun
This has just been one of those weeks, where everything seems to go wrong. It started out bright and early on Monday morning with my good work-friend Crucial getting the axe for being a big stupid dumb-ass. She got sent home last Friday (payday) for the dress code. By our new Nazi-esque by-laws, you are required to return to work within a certain amount of time. She didn’t, therefore she was fired. This was on top of several other attendance violations.
Later in the week I sent a casual email to my supervisor reminding him that August 25th is rapidly approaching and I will be going back to school 11 hours a week, therefore, I can’t work a late night. I made it through the entire school year and a summer session last year with no problem. This year, because we are under the aforementioned new Nazi-esque management, it’s a problem. (Although it ISN’T a problem for Catnip, a woman who is CERTAIN that she will be mugged and murdered by people on the LIGHT RAIL to not work a late night.) I was basically told at one point that since it is my decision to go to school, it is up to me to make the proper arrangements. It was the same line of crap that every other horrible corporation I have ever worked for has given me. But remember, being flexible with school was the one thing the this place USED to have going for it. Through all that bullshit me and my co-workers were put through, through an entire broke-ass no bonus possible summer, and a more-broke-than-I would-have-liked-it trip to New York, they tell me going to school is my decision.

I was told my only option was to find someone to work my late night as well as their own. Thinking it would be impossible, I sent an obligatory email out. Naturally, there were some questions. One answer I gave got misconstrued and twisted and the next thing I know, chaos erupts because everyone thinks 33% of us are going to get let go. What I had meant to say was I was told that since we are running at 33% below capacity to save a few bucks, they can’t make any more exceptions to people‘s schedules. Ironically, I had found someone to pick up my late night. Because of the chaos they traced back to me, I got dragged away and cussed out and thought I was going to get fired for a full night. Friday I go into work expecting the axe to drop at any moment, and then I come to find that an entire group of people are pissed at me because they have been moved from their “anytime they feel like it“ schedules to a set schedule. This, they all blame on me. Including a friendly acquaintance and The Anomaly, a friend of mine.
So, Friday was spent with dirty looks and sighing and silence. Friday after work I met some friends for drinks and a trip to the cash machine revealed that I was INCREDIBLY negative in my checking account. Horrified, I called the bank and found out that I had miscalculated something and was now going to get hit with a mountain of fees. I will be $486 negative by the time payday rolls around again. Cussing the person at US Bank out, I asked why I was allowed to keep using my card when it had a negative balance. I was told that is in place for MY BENEFIT because “the bank may have made an error”. ??!! BULLSHIT!! It is in place so that the bank can rack up as many fees on my account as possible!!

Weeks like this happen. It’s part of life. It reiterated why I am going to school and it strengthens my resolve to work hard and get good grades. It has also redoubled my job-hunting efforts.


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