The Burbs and The BF

How a City Mouse and a Country Mouse moved to the burbs and what happened there.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I live with My BF and 2 cats in an apartment in a first tier suburb of Murderapolis. I am happily in a relationship.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I'm NOT crazy!!

Yes, I have a tirade below about "Crash" winning over "Brokeback". Apparently, my favorite movie's loss was completely unprecedented. This from The Advocate: "Brokeback Mountain", though it picked up Oscars for the quiet artistry of its musical score, Lee’s direction, and Diane Ossana and Larry McMurtry’s screenplay, was the first film ever honored by the triumvirate of the producers, directors, and writers guilds not to win Best Picture.
So I'm NOT crazy. This was a shock and an upset. I also find it strange that "Crash" is immediately being re-released to theaters even though you can get it in the bargain bin at Target. It's almost like Lion's Gate KNEW it was going to happen. You can't prep a film for re-release in theaters in 5 days.
Who gives a fuck about the Academy Awards anyway? It's all politics. And what of the film itself? Does it being ignored by the Academy mean it's less of a film at all? Absolutely not. This will go down in history as one of the most ridiculous, shameful moments in Hollywood. The Academy let their homophobia show. When the dust clears, this decision will look completely idiotic. If it had won, the moment would be more forgettable.


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