The Burbs and The BF

How a City Mouse and a Country Mouse moved to the burbs and what happened there.

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Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

I live with My BF and 2 cats in an apartment in a first tier suburb of Murderapolis. I am happily in a relationship.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Louis XIII: A Smashing Success AND How I Got Someone Committed Today

On Saturday, I decided to splurge and try yet ANOTHER new restaurant I have never been to. It was Louis XIII (Louis Trezz as those "in the know" call it.) in Edina, a very hoity-toity and expensive restaurant. The place is interestingly furnished and when Math-Girl and I arrived I was happy to see that our reservations were not necessary and we were immediately ushered to one of the booths with the big tent over it. The booth is one step up, leather and shaped like a half moon to match the half-moon shaped table. Math-girl and I started scooting around to the middle. Then, life becomes slow motion: I see the entire table tipping and all of it's expensive glass contents sliding off and smashing on the floor leaving Math-girl and I, mortified, in a weird tent on a white leather couch. We were utterly trapped and there was nowhere to hide. There is also a glass wall that stops you from plummeting to your death in the lower level. I was sure the heavy table would smash that as well and probably mutilate and disfigure one of the waiters or an unsuspecting patron on the floor below us. It didn't but the waiters did come rushing over to find me more humiliated than I can remember being in quite some time. They were, first and foremost, concerned about our welfare, which I appreciated. They ushered us to another identical booth and we gingerly took our places, Math-girl, whose errant foot had caused the catastrophe, wisely stayed closest to the edge. Later, when she was taking the glass elevator down to the bathroom she was told that it happens all the time.
Today, I got someone in my building dragged off to the psych ward. It's a long story, but basically I heard a lot of yelling and crashing going on and called the cops. The guy was on some kind of drugs. It was bizarre that I picked up my phone and caused two cop cars, an ambulance and a fire truck loaded with very buff, cute firemen to show up at my building. That could be the beginning of an entire pornographic fantasy I won't describe here. All that happened in reality is that I ended up getting disturbed by the whole event. The guy sounded like he was tearing his apartment apart and was screaming so loud you could hear it blocks away. I don't think anyone else would have called the cops if I hadn't and I did that on a whim because I was annoyed. The girl I ran into in the hall said she just thought someone was bored. BORED?! Someone bellowing like that and tearing their place up because they are bored?! Oh the humanity!


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