Home Tour 7: Brutus
I don't have an actual picture of the next place I lived. I lived in my car.

Brutus was a gigantic 1981 Oldsmobile Delta 88. I could stretch out fully in the back seat. I had a comforter and my teddy bear Buddy. I had a ritual that if I was going to sleep in my car that night, I would go to Super America and buy some milk and two sugar cookies. It honestly wasn't that bad sleeping in my car. The weather was nice, it was comfy in that gigantic back seat and there was this sense of total freedom, not having to answer to anyone.
To be fair, I also crashed on friend's couches during this time period. I wasn't completely homeless. My mom was trying to teach me the value of having a roof over my head. All I learned during this time was how to get by without having a job. Stealing gas (I became a drive-off expert), cigarettes and food. I also sold every CD I owned and pawned everything else worth anything.

Brutus was a gigantic 1981 Oldsmobile Delta 88. I could stretch out fully in the back seat. I had a comforter and my teddy bear Buddy. I had a ritual that if I was going to sleep in my car that night, I would go to Super America and buy some milk and two sugar cookies. It honestly wasn't that bad sleeping in my car. The weather was nice, it was comfy in that gigantic back seat and there was this sense of total freedom, not having to answer to anyone.
To be fair, I also crashed on friend's couches during this time period. I wasn't completely homeless. My mom was trying to teach me the value of having a roof over my head. All I learned during this time was how to get by without having a job. Stealing gas (I became a drive-off expert), cigarettes and food. I also sold every CD I owned and pawned everything else worth anything.
In retrospect, this would have been a great time to try it out in another city. I really had no ties here. That's one of the things I really regret. In mid-June, I found a more-or-less permanent place to stay.
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