Home Tour 10 & 11: Gay Town
In January of 1998 I moved here. I lived here (in a studio on the second floor and a much more spacious 2 bedroom on the 5th floor) until June of 2000. The building is very close to Loring Park.

Below was my first apartment.

It was the one right above the awning with tan around it. The bathroom is the window to the left. It was a tiny studio but it was my first place. I paid $325 a month for it. It was a nice, clean building. Below is the second apartment I lived in at this building.

My bedroom was the second one from the top. I had a really cool view of the downtown skyline, but having 2 bedrooms meant that I needed a roommate. My first one was a weirdo who was a little too into Hansen for my taste. Second roommate was my friend Pete, who I more or less got along with. Third roommate was Sarabellem's brother who I really didn't get along with, especially toward the end. I learned a lot of lessons at this place. This is where I lived when all of the Trent Bullshit was going on, so inevitably I think of that. I also destroyed my license beyond repair with a million parking tickets that I only got cleared up in 2004. I was young and stupid and living for the moment. I pissed my pants in the slow, rickety elevator and according to someone who lived in my apartment after me (?!) that I work with, the elevator still reeks like piss. I moved out on June 1st 2000.

Below was my first apartment.

It was the one right above the awning with tan around it. The bathroom is the window to the left. It was a tiny studio but it was my first place. I paid $325 a month for it. It was a nice, clean building. Below is the second apartment I lived in at this building.

My bedroom was the second one from the top. I had a really cool view of the downtown skyline, but having 2 bedrooms meant that I needed a roommate. My first one was a weirdo who was a little too into Hansen for my taste. Second roommate was my friend Pete, who I more or less got along with. Third roommate was Sarabellem's brother who I really didn't get along with, especially toward the end. I learned a lot of lessons at this place. This is where I lived when all of the Trent Bullshit was going on, so inevitably I think of that. I also destroyed my license beyond repair with a million parking tickets that I only got cleared up in 2004. I was young and stupid and living for the moment. I pissed my pants in the slow, rickety elevator and according to someone who lived in my apartment after me (?!) that I work with, the elevator still reeks like piss. I moved out on June 1st 2000.
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